Hopi Burial Protocols, Guidelines & Recommendations
Based on information from the Arizona State Health Care Physicians, Expert Epidemiologists, the Center for Disease Control, our Hopi Elders and Cultural Advisors, we want to remind our Hopi-Tewa Sinom that the COVID-19 virus has proven to be highly contagious and deadly.
The following protocols are guidelines and reasonable recommendations to consider in the event that you may be faced with having to prepare for a funeral or burial of a loved one.
Hopi Burial Guidance
During the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic, we acknowledge the cultural sensitivity of preparations related to death. It is important to understand that changes are necessary in handling the burial of our loved ones to prevent further transmission of the Coronavirus, COVID-19. These guidelines are to assist Hopi and Tewa people with burial arrangements during this pandemic. Although many want to honor a loved one with a traditional burial, doing so may put others at risk of contracting COVID-19.
Please seriously consider this thought:
Would the deceased person want anyone else to contract COVID-19?
Positive Coronavirus COVID-19 Related Death:
The family is required to designate one person to represent them with their decisions to eliminate confusion and potential misunderstanding during your time of grief.
- If someone passes on at home, immediately call the Incident Command at (928) 734-3661 between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. OR after 5:00 p.m. and weekends at (928) 205-7295.
- If someone passes on at the hospital, please make arrangements with the hospital’s appropriate personnel.
Before making any burial decisions or preparations, communicate first with Hopi Social Services to learn of available burial funds.
Please download, print, and share the Hopi Burial Guidelines Brochure in anticipation of a burial for appropriate management of COVID-19 patients.