Scroll down for HBE Info
Mission Statement
To provide and promote quality educational services to the Hopi public; to provide consistent educational services to the Hopi schools; to preserve the good things of Hopi life through the infusion of the Hopi language and culture into all the schooling systems on Hopi; to provide a mechanism to assist the schooling systems on Hopi to resolve any differences; and to integrate modern technology in all services provided.
Our department oversees the educational process for both youth, young adults and adults by administering various programs, that includes the special needs population, from preschool to post-secondary education. Program services are:
Office of Higher Education
- Hopi Grants & Scholarships Program
- Adult Vocational Training Program
- Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act Program
- Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Office of Early Childhood Education
- Hopi Head Start Program
- Hopi Child Care Program
- Early Intervention Program
Additional Program Services
- Hopi Family Assistance Program (TANF)
- Hopilavayi Program
- Hopi Public Library Program
- Tutuqayki Sikisve (Bookmobile)
- Wuwanamptapsikisve (Mobile Computer Lab)
Hopi Board of Education
Newly Adopted Hopi Education Code
Hopi Education Code (Amended 6/8/2021)