Mission Statement
HVS goal is to provide quality services in health care, benefits and customer satisfaction for Hopi/ Tewa enrolled Veterans and Military Members, Widow/ Spouse and Family members residing on the Hopi Reservation. HVS is totally dedicated and committed to assist our Veterans by seamless merging of Veteran and Military related agencies through local, tribal, state, and federal levels supporting program cliental. Our Veterans deserve no less.
Vision Statement
HVS vision is to serve the Hopi/ Tewa Veterans and their families. To improve their health and quality of life as provided by the full array of VA benefits they have earned while serving honorably in the United States Armed Forces while protecting and defending our nation.
Hopi Veterans Services is a Hopi Tribal H-13 funded program and no other source of funds comes from federal, state or outside agency. Hopi Tribal Council Resolutions H-41-78, H-186-90 and H-192-94 original set in motion the formal establishment of HVS within the Dept. of Health & Human Services. HVS began operations in October 1995 and through the years the office locations were at Bacavi Village and Keams Canyon Agency. Around 2002 HVS found office space and was aligned under the Dept. of Social & Behavioral Health formally located at Hopi Guidance Center located at the Second Mesa Toreva BLDG. On July 29, 2014, HVS was formally re-aligned within the Dept. of Health & Human Services. On November 25, 2015, Hopi Tribal Council Resolution H-118-2015, Hopi Tribal Government Organization Chart was passed and directed HVS to become a Regulated Entity effective January 1, 2016. HVS office is physically located in the H.O.P.I. Cancer Support Services building.
We assist Hopi/ Tewa Veterans
Hopi Veterans Services is to provide quality services in health care, benefits and customer satisfaction for Hopi/ Tewa enrolled Veterans and military members, widows/ spouses and family members residing on the Hopi Reservation and surrounding areas.
Eligibility of Veterans Services
Services are primarily provided for Hopi Tribal enrolled Veterans, Military Members (Active Duty, Ready Reserves and National Guard), their widows, spouses and/or dependents. Services will also depend on various factors as it relates to the client’s needs, i.e. veterans character of service, VA criteria, etc..
Eligibility for services will be verified by a Hopi Tribal Enrollment Card and DD Form 214, Military Discharge Document (or equivalent). If an individual should not possess a tribal enrollment card, the client should have an application pending before the Hopi Tribal Council to be eligible for services. A certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) issued by the bureau of Indian Affairs showing at least 1/4 Hopi Blood will also be acceptable.
Non-Hopi Veterans residing on the Hopi Reservation are eligible for services, provided they are legally married to an enrolled Hopi Tribal member, employed with the Hopi Tribe or other agencies on the Hopi Reservation. A DD Form 214 must be submitted for verification to begin services.
Hopi Veterans Services provide:
- Advocacy: Advocates and assists Veterans and Widows of deceased Veterans with a wide range of U.S. Department of Veterans Affair (VA) benefits and health care.
- Assistance: Paperwork for compensation and pension benefits for service connected (disabled) veterans, non-service connected veterans, and their surviving widows and/or dependents; Full range of health care through VA medical centers and out homecare patient clinics
- Obtaining Discharge Document(s): Certified military discharge document (DD214), Replacement military medals, other military documents
- Education and Training programs
- VA Native American Home Mortgage Loans
- Home Care Long Term Care Program
- Hospice Care
- Obtaining burial benefits: VA Headstone or Marker application, Presentation of U.S. Flag to surviving family, and Presidential Memorial Certificates
- Transportation: Free transportation services to VA medical centers/ Clinics for medical appointments on/off the Hopi Reservation.
- Assistance for Referral: Veteran-related vocational counseling services, Training/ job assistance for disabled veterans, Homeless placement, Substance abuse programs, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) counseling.
- And many more
Hopi Veterans Services Staff/ Office Info:

Address: Hopi Veterans Services P.O. Box 123 Kykotsmovi, AZ 86042 Fax #: (928) 734-1158
- Eugene Talas – Manager – (928) 734-3461
- Hanna Polwytewa – Secretary II – (928) 734-3462
- Vacant – Client Transporter – (928) 734-3463
Service Announcements/Articles:
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): The Federal VA is structured into three main service lines which provide the following benefits for Veterans and surviving spouses:
Veterans Health Administration:
- All VA health care services
- Special home improvements or adaptations for disabled veterans
- Administration by VA Medical Center, Community based Outpatient Clinic, etc…
Veterans Benefits Administration:
- All VA benefits – compensation, pension, education, vocational training, home loans, etc…
- Department & Survivor benefits
- Administered by a VA Regional Office
National Cemetery Administration:
- National and State Veterans Cemeteries
- Headstone, Markers and Presidential Memorial Certificates
- Request burial in a VA national cemetery