The Hopi people established the Hopi Tribal Council on Dec. 19, 1936, with the adoption of the Hopi Constitution and By-Laws. According to the constitution, the Hopi Tribal Council has the power and authority to represent and speak for the Hopi Tribe in all matters for the welfare of the Tribe, and to negotiate with federal, state and local governments, and with the councils or governments of other tribes.
Today’s current council consists of 22 representatives from the villages of Upper Moenkopi, Bacavi, Kykotsmovi, Sipaulovi, First Mesa Consolidated Villages (Walpi, Sitchumovi and Tewa), and Mishongnovi. Currently, the villages of Shungopavi, Oraibi, Hotevilla, and Lower Moenkopi do not have a representative on council. Representatives to the council are selected either by a community election or by an appointment from the village kikmongwi, or leader. Each representative serves a two-year term.
The Hopi Tribal Government is a unicameral government where all the powers are vested in the Tribal Council. While there is an executive branch (tribal chairman and vice chairman) and judicial branch, their powers are limited under the Hopi Constitution.
For information and assistance, contact the Tribal Secretary’s office at (928) 734-3132, Monday through Friday during normal working hours.
The general email box for Hopi Tribal Council members is
Hopi Tribal Council – 2022
Chairman: Timothy L. Nuvangyaoma
Vice Chairman: Craig Andrews
Tribal Secretary: Judith Youvella
Tribal Treasurer: Nada Talayumptewa
Sergeant-at-Arms: Alfonso Sakeva
Village of Upper Moenkopi
William Charley
Michael Elmer
Danny Humetewa, Sr.
Leroy Sumatzkuku.
Village of Bakabi
Marilyn Fredericks
Velma Kalyesvah
Clifford Qotsaquahu
Village of Kyakotsmovi
David Talayumptewa
Danny Honanie
Phillip Quochytewa, Sr.
Herman G. Honanie
Village of Sipaulavi
Anita Bahnimptewa
Rosa Honani
Raymond Namoki
Village of Mishongnovi
Mervin Yoyetewa
First Mesa Consolidated Villages
Albert T. Sinquah
Ivan L. Sidney
Dale Sinquah
Wallace Youvella, Jr.