Kykotsmovi, AZ – On September 18, 2013 the Hopi Election Board held their 2nd Round of Interviews to Qualify the Candidate Petitioners who have submitted their completed paper work for the positions of the Office of the Chairman or the Office of the Vice Chairman.
QUALIFIED CANDIDATES – There have been three (3) Candidate Petitioners who have been interviewed on the 1st Round which was held at the Hopi Wellness Center Conference Room. At this 1st round of interviews it was determined that Mr. Alfred Lomahquahu Jr. and Mr. George Mase were qualified to run for the positions of the Vice Chairman along with Mr. Herman Honanie also determined qualified to run for the position of the Chairman. At the September 18th event the Hopi Election Board certified Mr. Norman Honie Jr. from the Village of Shungopavi and Mr. LeRoy Shingoitewa from the Village of Moencopi both for the Offices of the Chairman.
Certified Candidates to date:
Candidates for the Office of the Chairman:
Candidates For The Office Of The Vice Chairman:
October 9, 2013 will be the last public interview which will be held at the Hopi Wellness Conference Room, Kykotsmovi, AZ beginning at 6:30 p.m..
CANDIDATE PETITIONS – October 16, 2013 is the last day to pick up and submit a Petition for either of the offices, these Petitions will be submitted to either of said offices: Office of Chairman, Vice Chairman or Tribal Secretary no later than 5:00 p.m. on the same day. These interviews (for those submitting on the 16th) will be done at our office which will also be open to the general public. Our office will post if there will be interviews on this day. By October 17, 2013 the Hopi Election Board will post and announce the official listing of the Certified Candidates for the 2013 Hopi Tribal General Election.
ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST DEADLINES- September 25, 2013 midnight is the deadline for requesting for an Absentee Ballot for the Primary Election – November 6, 2013 and October 9, 2013 midnight for the General Election – November 20, 2013.
UPDATE ON POLLING SITES – add Hotevilla to the list.
The Hopi Election Board has confirmed that Polling Site for the Village of Hotevilla will be located at the Hotevilla Youth/Elderly Center, Hotevilla Arizona.
VOTING ON SITE/ABSENTEE BALLOTS- Reminder if you decide to vote on site and have requested for an Absentee Ballot you MUST surrender the Absentee Ballot before casting a regular ballot. Our office encourages Voters to vote in their villages (those villages who have excepted to have a polling site) this will help us see the number of Voter participation per villages, this will encourage village members to see the actual number of Voters who come to their polls to vote. You can always call our office for clarity on the voting process.
There is about one month left before election time, please call our office for information. for those who have not received their Voter Information call us for that we may be able to assist you for the elections.
You can request for information or absentee ballots by emailing me, Karen L. Shupla at kshupla@hopi.nsn.us or hopielections@hopitelecom.net, by fax- 1-928-734-1257 or calling me at 1-928-734-2507 or 2508.