Hopi Election Survey New Hopi Tribal Voter Information form 2022 You can also download and print the survey here: Hopi Election Survey (PDF) Please take a few moments to complete this satisfaction survey. This survey should take a minimum of 15 minutes to complete. Please feel free to ask additional questions to further clarify the questions. Are you an eligible Voter with the Hopi Tribal Elections?* Yes No Are you an enrolled Hopi Tribal member?* Yes No Did you participate in the 2013 General Election for the Chairman and Vice Chairman?* Yes No Did you vote at a Polling Site or by Mail?* Polling Site By Mail As an Eligible Voter, which election dates would you prefer:* Keep as is: Primary held first Wednesday in November / General held third Wednesday in November / (15 days apart/2 weeks) Change: Primary held third Thursday in August / General held third Thursday in November / 90 days apart/3months) Your Recommendation: *The Hopi Tribal Elections presently require the Petitioner (candidate) to speak the Hopi language fluently. As an eligible voter, choose one:* Keep as is: Must be able to speak the Hopi language fluently Change: Must speak the Hopi and English language fluently Change: Must be able to speak the Hopi language get the point across to the listener Change: Must be able to understand the Hopi language Hopi Tribal Elections presently require Two (2) year residency on the reservation prior to the Petitioners candidacy. As and eligible voter, choose one:* Keep as is: must have lived on the Hopi Reservation two years preceding (before) announcement. Change: Must live on Hopi Tribal lands of the Hopi Reservation Change: Eliminate the two-year residency requirement Hopi Elections presently do not require Background Checks of a Petitioner. As an eligible voter, choose one:* I support background checks on candidates I do not support background checks on candidates Are you or a family member serving in the U.S. Armed Forces? In the States or Abroad? I am Family Member In the States Abroad Veteran Do you live on the Hopi Reservation?* Yes No If No, indicate where you live:*In which age category do you fit?* 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-64 65 + Were there any obstacles which kept you from voting* Yes No If Yes, list the obstacle which kept you from voting:Name AddressAdditional Comments Δ