Little Colorado River Rights Settlement
Hopi Tribal Council Considers Little Colorado River Water Rights Settlement
The Hopi Tribal Council is considering approval of a water settlement for the Little Colorado River Basin. The Hopi Tribal Council has not yet made a decision whether to approve the settlement and is in the process of conducting and independent review of the proposal. A copy of the settlement proposal, dated March 8, 2012, is posted below, together with a transmittal letter to Arizona Senator John Kyl with a copy of the proposed settlement:
March 8, 2012, Proposed Settlement Agreement
March 8, 2012, Transmittal Letter
On February 14, 2012, Senator Kyl and Arizona Senator John McCain introduced S. 2109, a bill to ratify and implement the Little Colorado River water settlement. Congressman Ben Quayle introduced a companion bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Hopi Tribal Council has not yet taken a position on the proposed legislation. A copy of S. 2109 is posted below.
On April 7, 2008, the Hopi Tribal Council voted to approve an Agreement-in-Principle to guide further negotiations for a tribal water rights settlement for the Little Colorado River Basin. A copy of the 2008 Agreement-in-Principle is posted below:
March 28, 2008 – Agreement in Principle
The Hopi Tribe will be providing more information about the proposed settlement as it becomes available.