2017 Final Registered Voter List
2017 Secretarial Election authorized by Hopi Tribal Council Resolution H-007-2017 regarding 7 amendments to the Hopi Tribe’s Constitution at the request of the Hopi Tribe’s Election Board. Western Region Office Regional Director reviewed and gave approval to move forward to hold the Hopi Secretarial Election within a 90-day timeline. Election Day is May 25, 2017, and is also the deadline date to submit voted ballots by 4:00 p.m. to Hopi Bureau of Indian Affairs Agency, Keams Canyon, Arizona.
Hand delivery of ballots to the Hopi Agency: Hopi Tribal members can submit by hand carrying their voted and properly packaged ballots to the Hopi Agency BIA Office, so long as they are properly packaged in the “inner” and “outer” envelopes which you will receive in your ballot package. You may also hand carry other voting tribal members ballots for delivery by deadline date/time as mentioned above.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure to sign your name on the areas where requested as you prepare your ballot package for submittal. If you fail to sign your name, your ballots may be rejected and not counted. “PLEASE” take the time to read instruction carefully and mark your ballots and sign all areas as required.
If you have questions in marking your ballot(s) which there will be seven (7); please do not hesitate to contact the Hopi Agency BIA at (928) 738-2228 or the Hopi Tribal Operations Office at (928) 734-3126 or 3127 or Ms. Sophia Torres, Secretarial Election Board Chairman at (602) 379-6786 ext. 1309.
REMINDER: this is an ALL MAIL BALLOTING Election. There will be NO PRECINCTS set up on the Hopi Reservation on Election Day May 25, 2017. Refer to the “NOTICE AND RULES OF ELECTION” Voter Guide you received in your ballot packet or contact Offices listed above as needed.
Thank you.